在西方 碰到黑暗料理怎么办熙元宁宝? 我们当然要鼓起勇气试吃一下: 1 One bite won't hurt you . 吃一口,不会有事的。乔丽娅 2 Eating this won't die. 吃这个不会死的。 That'll put hairs on your chest武汉拉拉吧! 那会让你更加强壮海盗法典! 3
遇上了能吃的 但是不好吃的 该如何委婉的表述 A little improvement is absolutely delicious. 1 再改进一点绝对很好吃。 Thisdish is just not my cup of tea 2 这道菜不适合我。 I was full when I looked at this dish. 3 我看着这道菜就饱了。
我们遇上好吃的美食 又该怎么夸赞呢温岭中学? This meal was out of this world. 1 这顿饭简直没治了蚂蚁报恩。 There is nothing like my mother's cooking. 2 没有什么能比的上我妈妈做的菜冷冬寒梅。 This dish is quite palatable. 3 这个菜很对胃口西峡天气预报。vent